Thursday, December 27, 2012

Merry X'mas & Happy 2013!


我的作品! ^.^





另外我还弄了14个树桐蛋糕送给亲朋好友~ 好忙哦!

发夹,送给老公的同事的女儿的 ^.^





500g 高粉 500g

40g 幼糖



5g 即用干酵母
14g 牛油


1. 所有材料除了牛油用搅拌机搅拌成基本面团,加入牛油打至薄膜。
2. 基本发酵至双倍大。
** 圣诞树我用了11 x 35g, 花圈用了9 x 30g, 另外剩下的我切成8等分弄成了小棵的圣诞树(没有显示在这里)
4. 松弛15分钟。开始滚圆做造型。
5. 排成圣诞树和花圈的形状,最后发酵至双倍大。
6. 铺上切好的火腿和芝士(和香草干)
7. 送入已预热烤箱,180C12分钟

500g bread flour
40g sugar
9g salt
5g yeast
225g water
115g fresh milk
14g butter

1. Mixed well all the dry ingredient. Slowly add in wet ingredient and knead till smooth dough forms.
2. Add in butter and knead till window stage.
3. Put in greased bowl and proof till doubled in size.
4. Cut the dough into the size you want.
* For Xmas tree: I use 11 x 35g dough; for Wreath: I use 9 x 30g dough, balance I make it into small Xmas tree.
 5. Roll into balls and relax the dough for 15mins
6. Arrange the dough into the shape you need and leave proof till doubled in size.
7. Sprinkle ham & cheese or any desire topping you like.
7. Bake in preheated 180c oven for 12mins or till brown.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Milk Bread 牛奶面包

我的烘焙kaki Ivy 传了这个食谱给我说可以试一试。刚好我正愁不知道要弄什么当今天的早餐,顺理成章它就变成了我的昨晚的烘焙目标,哈哈!






270g 高筋粉 (bread flour)
30g 低筋粉 (cake flour)
140ml 牛奶 (milk)
60g 幼糖 (sugar)
5g 酵母 (instant yeast)
4g 盐 (salt)
60g 蛋一粒 (egg)
35g 牛油 (butter)
* 另备一匙牛油放置软化用于面包烤好后涂于表层。

1. 所有材料除了牛油放入搅拌机里打至面团成型。加入牛油打至薄膜。
2. 取出放进涂了一层薄薄的牛油的碗里发酵至两倍大。
3. 排气分割成大约65g的小面团。滚圆,休面十五分钟。
4. 杆平,在滚成圆形进行最后发酵至两倍大。
5. 烤炉预热170度烤12分钟。
6. 出炉后搽上薄薄一层牛油即可。

1. 烘烤时间得根据自己对烤炉的了解作调整哦!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Danish Butter Cookies 丹麦牛油小饼


我的脸书里现在有两个版本,版本(一)是一位Ms. Caryn 分享的食谱,后来又出现了版本(二),分享者Mr. Alan使用的食谱取自Youtube,据说是道地丹麦烘焙师傅分享的食谱,即简单又好吃。我两个版本都试做了。试做时使用的是本地超市随手可得的Lurpak牌丹麦奶油。烤出来的香气真得很棒~ 刚烤好马上吃的话要属Ms. Caryn的版本较好吃。Mr. Alan的版本需要时间让奶油“融入”饼干里。我三天后试吃,味道“柔顺”了许多。香气也更足。不过我做好Mr. Alan 的版本后再看回他的部落格里分享的视频,才看到他稍微更改了食谱的比例。我想我很快会就原来视频的比例再试做一次. 

这一篇幅先分享Mr. Alan使用的食谱。


60克 鸡蛋一粒

200克 牛油
130克 糖粉
320克 普通面粉
2汤匙 香草精 (或是一支香草莢


1. 全部的材料放进搅拌盆用最低的搅拌速度搅打至全部食材混合。
2. 把面团装进挤花袋用喜欢的挤花嘴挤出喜欢的形状。
3. 放入预热200c的烤箱烤大概7-8分钟。
4. 饼干摊凉后收进密封盒即可。

1. 牛油放置在室温到很软的程度。
2. 面团搅拌至看不见面粉就好了。千万不可搅拌过渡影响饼干的口感。用机器搅拌的时间不应该超过两分钟。
3. 把面团分成几次装进挤花袋有助于顺利挤出面团。
4. 烘焙时间需视花嘴的形状和厚度作调整。
5. 避免使用手握是搅拌器。


Friday, December 07, 2012

Pai Bao 排包

This was one of my favorite childhood foods. I like the one with cream and lots of chocolate rice in the middle. I always licked the cream and chocolate rice before I bite on the bun. Hoho~

I told my husband I am going to make this. He requested to have it with butter cream and sugar sprinkle in the middle. He said this is version of childhood memory. How amazing right? One type of bun presented in different way to two persons.

To make this pai bao is a new experience to me. The method use in this recipe is totally different from what I learnt previously. It mixes all ingredient together till it becomes smooth and non sticky to hand while the previous recipes I tried add in butter after the basic dough forms. I was in doubt but I decided to trust the recipe since I have chosen it. 疑人不用,用人不疑嘛~ haha! I am glad I try it. I like the texture very much as it is very soft and smells so fragrant compared to the other recipe that I used! Could it be the flour that I use? Well, I will not know until I try it again with the usual flour that I use.

Pai Bao 排包
(Recipe adapt and  from here:)

225g Bread flour 
60g Castor Sugar
45g Butter
110g Warm milk 110g (abt 120ml) *see mini note.
½ nos Egg 
7g Custard Powder
4g Instant Yeast


1. Mix all ingredient with dough hook/hand till the dough is smooth and non sticky to hand.
2. Place the dough in a big greased bowl. Let proof till double or 2.5x of its’ original size.
3. Deflate and divide the dough into 8 equal portions. I weigh and cut them into 8 equal portions.
4. Cover the let rest for 15mins under room temperature.
5. Flatten dough with a rolling pin. Then roll the dough. Pinch to seal. Roll and stretch the dough into a long dough about 2/3 of your baking tin’s width.
6. Place the dough in the middle of your greased baking tin with about 1cm apart between dough and dough with sealed side face downward.
7. Cling wrap/cover and leave proof till double of its’ size.
8. Egg wash and bake in pre-heated 180c oven for 15mins.

Hippomama’s mini notes:
1. Warm milk temperature shouldn’t exceed 40c as the yeast will die at 40c


225g 高筋麵粉
60g 砂糖
45g 牛油
110g 温牛奶 (120ml)
7g 吉士粉
4g 即溶酵母

1. 將所有材料在盆中混合拌勻成麵糰,將麵糰搓揉至麵糰光滑,有彈性而不黏手為準。

2. 將麵糰放在塗油大碗中,蓋上保鮮紙進行發酵。

3. 直至麵糰發酵至約3倍大小。(我只让面团发到两倍半)

4. 將麵糰分成8等份 (最好用磅量度!),蓋上保鮮紙鬆弛15分鐘。

5. 壓扁麵糰,並將麵糰由外向內捲。

6. 捲至尾部,將尾部的麵糰拉爛,繼續捲至收口。

7. 將麵糰收口位向下,排好造型放在己塗油的焗盆上,再蓋上保鮮紙進行第二次發酵至3倍大小。(也只发到两倍)

 8. 在包面塗上蛋液,放入預熱焗爐180C,焗15分鐘至表面金黃即成。


Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Tri-Colored Swissroll 三色瑞士卷

This was a last minutes bake. I totally forgotten my dear friend’s birthday is approaching when I saw my calendar marking that Sunday afternoon. I am like: “OMG! Her birthday is approaching!” I am not sure if I have sufficient time to prepare for her a decent birthday cake as it is just 3 days away, I need to work on weekday and little hippo #2 is entering school on the very next day. So I decide to come out with something simple yet special for her. My Orange Swissroll is a big hit among my tasters, so I decided to tweak from the recipe!
Tri-colored Swissroll

I am glad the roll turns out well without practicing. Think back now, I am so daring to tweak my bakes without even a trial run. This is so not me! Phew~

All I did was bake, roll and use a chocolate pen to write “Happy Birthday” on the swissroll. I didn’t manage to take a picture of final product as I was really rushing to go out. I am already late for my appointment with the kids’ godma!

Tri-colored Swissroll with Rum Raisin Butter Cream

Raisin 2 TBSP
Rum Enough to cover raisin.

*Soak raisins in rum a few hours to 1 day in advanced.

(Make a 12” x 12” square cake tray)

Egg Yolks 4 nos
Fresh Milk 70g
Vanilla Essence 1 tsp
Vegetable oil 40g
Cake flour 70g (sifted)

Egg whites 4nos
Castor sugar 60g
Lemon Juice ½ tsp (or can also use 1/2 tsp of cream of tartar)

1. Preheat oven 180c . Line the cake tray with parchment paper.
2. In a bowl, whisk egg yolk, fresh milk, vanilla essence and vegetable oil till well combine. Add in flour, mix well.
3. Divide batter into 3 equal portions, add desire food coloring into the yolk batter.
4. In another bowl, beat egg whites and lemon juice till foamy, add sugar in 3 additions. Beat till stiff.
5. Weigh and divide meringue into 3 portions.
6. Fold in 1/3 of the meringue into 1 portion of egg yolk mixture. Repeats 2x for the other 2 colors.
7. Pour one colored batter mixture at one side of your baking tray. Repeats at the middle and lastly at another side of your baking tray, you can pour them side by side or any pattern that you like.
8. Smooth the surface and knock a few times on table top to get rid big bubbles in the batter.
9. Bake in preheated oven for 12-15mins or till golden.
10. Remove the cake from cake tray once it is out from oven. Tear the side parchment paper and leave it on cooling rack for abt. 5 mins (till the cake is warm and touchable). Inverted the cake and tear away the baking paper but leave the baking paper remains cover on the cake to prevent the cake from drying.

Rum Raisin Butter Cream filing:
Abt. 2 spoonful of soaked & drained rum raisins
80g Unsalted Butter (soften under room temperature)
125g Icing Sugar
½ tsp vanilla essence (optinal)

1. Drain raisins and set aside.
2. Sieve icing sugar into butter and beat till fluffy with an electric mixer. Add in vanilla essence and mix well.
3. Invert the cake, (brown side at the bottom), spread the buttercream thinly on swissroll.
4. Sprinkle raisins on butter cream and roll.
5. Fridge for an hour before cut and serves.

Hippomama’s mini note:
1. 60g eggs are used in this recipe.
2. I use salted butter to balance the sweetness from icing sugar although my recipe stated unsalted butter. You can sprinkle some salt if you find your butter cream is too sweet to your liking when you are using unsalted butter.
3. The usage of lemon juice or cream of tartar is to stabilize the meringue.
4. Weigh your empty bowl so that you are able to get the actual weigh of your batter/meringue and divide them accurately.


鲜奶 70g
Vanilla 香精 1tsp
沙拉油/菜油 40g

细糖 60
柠檬汁 1/2tsp (或是用塔塔粉1/2tsp)

蛋黄,鲜奶,云尼拉香精和沙拉油 拌匀, 加入过筛的低粉拌匀。
3. 把蛋黄面糊分成三等分。各加入喜爱的食用色素,拌匀备用。 
6. 1/3 蛋白霜加入一份蛋黄糊中拌匀。重复于其他两份蛋黄糊。
把其中一份拌好的面糊倒入烤盘的一角,再把第二份面糊倒入烤盘中间,最后倒入最后一份面糊,稍稍铺平面糊, 轻敲烤模底部几下去除面糊里的大气泡,
8. 放入预热好的烤箱烤12-15分钟。 至蛋糕体表面呈金黄色。

大概2 大匙的兰姆酒葡萄干
80g 无盐奶油 (室温下软化)
125g 糖粉
½ tsp 云尼拉香精 (可免)

1. 葡萄干沥干备用。
2. 糖粉过筛加入无盐奶油里,打至松发。加入云尼拉香精拌匀。
3. 把蛋糕体反扣回来,涂上打好的奶油内陷。
4. 撒上葡萄干,卷起。
5. 冷藏一小时即可。

Hippomama’s mini note:
1. 食谱用了60g 的鸡蛋.
2. 如果怕奶油内陷太甜,可以用含盐奶油。盐的咸度可以稍微中和甜度。
3. 蛋白加入柠檬汁/塔塔粉可以使打发的蛋白比较稳定,不容易消泡。
4. 开始操作之前先把空碗(或容器)先一一称过,这样就可以轻松的知道蛋黄糊/蛋白霜的重量,亦更方便把面糊/蛋白霜分成等份。

Update: 05/12/2012 - Added Chinese version of recipe per readers' request.

Monday, December 03, 2012

Mushroom Chicken Pie 蘑菇鸡肉派

Pies/tarts, November bake challenge with my baking kakis. I choose to make mushroom chicken because this is my favorite! Chance upon this recipe when trying to find a nice recipe online. Never regret tried it! Very nice! Although the dough resting time and the handling is abit troublesome compare to some recipe. I will stick to this recipe until I find the next best! Haha!

Mushroom Chicken Pie

Pie Crust
(Adapted from here)
(Makes 10 medium size pie as shown in picture)

227g unsalted butter
5g salt
340g All Purpose Flour/Pastry Flour
40-60g iced water

1. Cube butter into about 1cm x 1cm. Keep in fridge for 10-15mins while you prepare for dry ingredient.
2. Sieve salt and flour. Add in butter cube. Use back of a fork, mix the butter and flour. Press and mix till the mixture become crumbly. Try to mix until the crumbs are about the same size. As there will be no kneading involves. 
3. Add iced water slowly and continue mix with fork. Stop adding water once you get firm dough.
4. Cling wrap and fridge for 4 hour before use. If the dough is harden, leave it under the room temp and let it soften before use.

(Hippomama anyhow do)

400g Chicken Breast meat/Thigh Meat
1 medium size Carrot
2 medium size Potatoes
1 Red Onion
1 can of canned Button Mushroom
1 handful of frozen sweet corn (You can use also green peas if you like)
2 spoonful of mushroom chicken cream sauce
Water for stewing
1 TBSP cooking oil
1 egg, lightly beaten (for egg wash use)

1. Cut all ingredients into about 1cm x 1cm cube.
2. Heat cooking oil in wok and sauté onion till brown, put in carrot, button mushroom, potatoes and chicken meat and stir fry until the chicken meat is no longer in pink. Put in frozen sweet corn (or peas)
3. Pour in the chicken mushroom cream sauce and water just enough to cover all ingredients, bring to boil.
4. Lower the flame and simmer until the potato soften and the sauce is thickened.

To combine:
1. Divide the dough into 10 equal portions. Pinch 1/3 of the dough set aside to use as the top layer.
2. Press the dough into the mold evenly with thumb. Poke the base a few times with a fork.
3. Scoop filings into the mold.
4. Flatten the balance 1/3 portion of the dough and cover on top of the pie. Combine the sides and top of the pie with your fingers.
5. Poke a few more times on the cover of the pie.
6. Brush with beaten eggs and bake in preheated oven 190c for 30-40mins.

Hippomama's mini notes:
1. Do not left the dough till fully soften, it will be too soft to handle. If you find the dough too soft to handle during the process, pop it back into fridge for another 20mins and continue.